Church Bulletin


Life line classes - 9:30 am & worship - 10:30am - Wednesday Refuel - 7pm

The Crestview Messenger

February 23rd, 2025

We welcome each one who has assembled with us today to worship, study and fellowship. If you are a first time guest we offer you a special welcome and an invitation to assemble with us again soon.


Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Blessed Be Your Name
Announcements & Prayer
Blessed Assurance #264
Lord Reign In Me
One Thing Remains
Sermon: The Death Of John The Baptist
Invitation: I Surrender All #558
Closing Prayer

Opportunities at CMBC

LIFELINE – Each Sunday at 9:30 A.M. Classes for all

REFUEL  – This Wednesday night 7:00 P.M.

HOMEBOUND – Facebook Live Devotional 10:00 A.M. M-F

WIDOW’S NEST – The Widow’s Nest will meet Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 here at the church at 10:30 A.M.  Giving our guests the best parking places and seats will help grow our church.

Easter Sunday

 April 20th, 2025 I have given us a theme for Easter Sunday this Year. It is,” He is Risen Indeed!” I am praying that each of you will make plans to bring the whole family and a guest. I would love to see our sanctuary filled with people to honor our risen Lord. So, let’s all make plans to be present that day. – Bro. C.

Ladies Conference

Our Annual Ladies Conference will meet on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 at 10:00 A.M. We will have ladies from all over the state coming. Let’s have a good representation from our ladies. Invite your friends to join you.

Questions about salvation, baptism, church membership etc? We are not a high-pressure church, but we are more than glad to answer your questions. Ask the pastor or any of our members and they will help get your questions answered and leave the decisions to yourself.

Crestview Help Needed!

Adult Lifeline class leaders
Base Camp (nursery) helpers
Worship Service nursery helpers
Lifeline teachers for Belay class 1st - 4th grade.

All needs are rotating so if volunteered for would not be permanent or continual positions. Nursery positions are always with another helper – never by yourself. The more volunteers, the less the load. Please see or contact Kathy Byford 817‑821‑2942

Website Kathy Byford is helping John Nickels with our website. They need pictures of teachers and events. If you have such contact Kathy.

February Birthdays

Feb.22nd Jim Nickels

Feb.25th Hayden Bryan

Feb.26th Levi Campbell

Feb.27th Bruce Harris

Feb. 28th Martha Alverson

We still have a fund started for Susan Evans. Make checks payable to CMBC and on the memo line put her name.

 Our church cleaning fund needs special offerings. Southwest Baptist Family Camp will convene on July 21st-23rd for three nights. It is not too early to start saving and getting vacation time to attend. We have been attending this camp for years in the mountains of New Mexico. The camp is a top-notch facility, and the weather is cool in the mountains. We have two funds that you may contribute to. One is the “camp assistance fund” for folks who need financial help to attend and, also a camp travel fund that pays for van rental, luggage trailer and gas. If you have never been, then plan on going and taking your children, grands and friends. This has been the most successful evangelist effort CMBC has been involved in through the years. It is time to start planning.

Thoughts: Inflation affects everything except the wages of sin. It is better to be short on cash than to be short on character. Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a bad roof.